
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Southside photos for talk at Delevan. I'm working on my photography for the Delevan Gallery talk. Here are two pictures I took a couple of years ago when I first upgraded to a good digital camera and a tripod. After I started carrying a tripod people thought I was a photographer and sometimes, like these folks, they asked me to take their picture. I tried to find them, but so far, no luck. I really like the hands in the first photo, the blur of motion.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More books
and more and more from Lil Fish Studio News

Linsey Obermeyer work has been an inspiration for some time. Her newest project is based on attachment. Check out the very interesting articles of clothing in the photos and how they demonstrate this concept. Very fun and honest too. It's not always easy being attached. http://www.lbostudio.com/attach/index.html

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Purkinje Fibers. Of all the neurons these have my favorite shape. This image is on wikipedia from the meseo Cajal.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Even more amazing books. Lucile Moroni and Nicholas Jones, book sculptor. Mr. Jones has also done some folding, but I think his sculpted books offer another way to alter books.

Friday, February 05, 2010

More collages in process.

Working on Calvin's Quilt

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Elijah Gowin's photos of this Maggie. I love these paper orbs that she plays with her in her backyard. Link to artist statement.

Monday, February 01, 2010

More ideas for collage with the old medical school text books. The background images are from a pair of texts, one on endocrinology and one on obstetrics.

New Pictures of Blue man and Little Asian Blue Man. The wooden-block cell phone by kids. Whose? Mine, maybe. Someone elseses, maybe. Never will know. Love it, either way.

Here's a book I'm working on with some objects inserted, including a wishbone--for my friend Jess, who doesn't know what to wish for, but one day will. And here's a view of another one that I'm making out of a coffee table book of National Geographic nature illustrations. It makes for a colorful display.

More amazing books. The one in the glass jar is by Georgia Russell. The wall of books is by..The diamond back one came from this website. The box of books came from here. I love these and can't wait to do the installation in June at the Upstate Library.